13 Votes

Brilliantlove_2010 Brilliantlove

Year: 2010

Duration: 01:37:01

Directed by: Ashley Horner

Actors: Nancy Trotter Landry, Liam Browne and Jack Dawson

Language: English

Country: UK

Also known as: Agapitrela, Erotology, Fuckart, The Orgasm Diaries

Description: Manchester and Noon – young lovers. Noon involved in taxidermy, Manchester – photographer. His favorite subject is Noon, he photographs her all the time, no matter what she was doing. Couple is completely inseparable, they like the separation from the world and immerse in each other. When they to leave each other, they exchange notes, telling how much bored and waiting for the meeting.

Once Manchester ‘s photos notes a wealthy collector. He offers to exhibit his work in the gallery and well pay for it. The young man who happened to steal food from supermarkets and do not change clothes for several days, has to decide what is more important to him – the glory and prosperity, or the love of his life.



Brilliantlove 2010