bikini Bikini Summer II

Year: 1992

Duration: 1:22:04

Directed by: Jeff Conaway

Actors: Jessica Hahn, Maureen Flaherty, Melinda Armstrong

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Miss Bikini II, Bikinikesä 2, Vacanze in Bikini 2, Lato w bikini II

Description: Behold!  Gaze upon the heavenly bodies of Melinda Armstrong, Maureen Flaherty, Tracy Dali, and Avalon Anders! (And a bunch of other hot chicks!)  Too bad Jessica Hahn doesn’t show her, um, assets in this movie.

Probably the best of the Bikini Summer series, IMHO.  Plot?  Who cares!



Bikini Summer II 1992