6 Votes

To All a Goodnight movie
To All a Goodnight movie Run time: 1h 30min
To All a Goodnight movie Rating: 4.8
To All a Goodnight movie Genres: Horror,Mystery
To All a Goodnight movie Director: David Hess

To All a Goodnight movie Writers: Alex Rebar, Four Features Partners, Intercontinental Releasing Corporation (IRC)

To All a Goodnight movie Stars: Jennifer Runyon, Forrest Swanson, Linda Gentile

To All a Goodnight movie Year: 1980
To All a Goodnight movie Source: To All a Goodnight movie
There is a lot to like about To All a Goodnight. It has all the necessary ingredients needed to make a kick ass slasher flick such as horny young adults getting drunk and screwing around as much as possible before they are slaughtered, the innocent, virginal final girl, an awesome killer in a cool costume, the weird handyman guy who creeps everybody out (that reminded me of Crazy Ralph from Friday the 13th, and some fun death scenes. It isn’t the most original slasher flick of all time and it borrows heavily from other films (such as Black Christmas) but I didn’t mind. I thought that it was a fun little slasher flick for the most part and even though it definitely has its flaws I still enjoyed it. Yes, it’s full of slasher flick clichés but it didn’t really bother me because let’s be honest, what horror film doesn’t? …
Country: USA
Language: English
Also know as: Feliz Nochebuena, Terreur dans la nuit, Dobranoc wszystkim, Goodnight – Die Nacht, als Knecht ‘Blutbrecht’ kam,
To All a Goodnight 

