The BirthdayThe-Birthday The Birthday

Year: 2004

Duration: 1:36:29

Directed by: Eugenio Mira

Actors: Corey Feldman,  Erica Prior,  Jack Taylor

Language: English

Country: Spain

Also known as: 

Description: For me, The Birthday is one of the best fantastic spanish movies of the last decade, and an incredibly daring one. Many people loathed Corey Feldman’s performance, but I think he is almost pitch-perfect in his exhilarating role, a Chaplin/Keatonesque groom involved in nothing less than a lovecraftian end of the world. Beautifully shot and with a great sound design, The Birthday has an unique atmosphere, bouncing between surreal comedy and some bits of horror, and I found it very funny.

This is is a hard to find Spanish (DVD only available in Germany) horror/comedy/??? movie starring Corey Feldman (doing a horrible Peter Faulk imitation) and eurosleaze legend Jack Taylor.  Things start out slow and awkward, but eventually the freak plane gets off the ground and the whole movie loses all connection with reality. By far the weirdest thing Corey Feldman has ever touched.



 The Birthday 2004