6 Votes

Stalker Stalker

Year: 2010

Duration: 01:17:17

Directed by: Martin Kemp

Actors: Jane March, Anna Brecon, Jennifer Matter

Language: English

Country: UK

Also known as: Exposé (Work title)

Description: Paula Martin is a novelist fighting with the blank page, so she goes to her old family mansion to be secluded.

She is back to writing, but she is soon faced with an assistant her editor sent by.

The work starts to fade once more and things only get worse as sudden deaths start to happen all around the mansion

Review: Pluses . Excellent plot drawn with the manifestations of depressive psychosis , to the very end I did not come to a head this version of events. It looked very harmonious.

Acting confident and correct, but exactly that there were many flaws with directing actors , namely , where and how they should behave in critical moments. However, it is very common flaw in such films , so even against errors in the frankly brutal thrillers , here it all looked quite respectable.

Cons. Almost the entire movie looks very boring, tedious and somehow stretched . It does not drive at all, and only at the end of the director allowed the actors a little ” frolic .”

Unfortunately , the present name of the movie – «Stalker» – appeared here in such a strange way. And , although it is a little bit matches the intent of the film itself , it certainly does not correspond to the meaning of the words of the original . Could find something more suitable.

Conclusion. Stalker, as a thriller , of course, took place . But rather it is a thriller that would have liked more delicate nature , for example, a female audience .



Stalker – 2010