57 Votes

Porn-Shoot-Massacre-2009 Porn Shoot Massacre

Year: 2009

Duration: 01:24:55

Directed by: Corbin Timbrook

Actors: Shelly Martinez, Naomi Cruz, Kasey Poteet

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: 

Description: The girls come to the shooting ordinary porn, but soon realize with horror that came to the shooting of this massacre, in which they shall have the main role …

Review: Man this movie sucks. I forgot I even had this movie until I went looking for something else. I originally bought this movie because it was advertised as “starring Shelley Martinez” and I’m a sucker. Rest assured, even IMDB is wrong.. Because Shelley Martinez is in this movie for roughly 2 minutes. It’s pseudo-exploitation, pseudo-horror.. Because it doesn’t do either very well. Yeah, there’s tits.. And there’s people dying.. But both are pretty half assed. Also worth noting.. it’d be much lower than a 2.8 had one guy in France not LOVED this movie and given it an 8/10. Only review on IMDB.. No one else even cares enough to review it.

But hey, Shelly Martinez gets naked, so it can’t be all bad, right?



Porn Shoot Massacre