Pandemonium Pandemonium

Year: 1982

Duration: 01:17:48

Directed by: Alfred Sole

Actors: Tom Smothers, Carol Kane, Tammy Alverson

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Thursday the 12th (Wordking title) | America, America (Italy)

Description of Pandemonium movie: Bambi, the only survivor of a brutal cheerleaders killing a few years ago, is now leading a cheerleading University. But as she takes on a new year of training, several girls start showing up murdered in the most bizarre ways. A Mountie comes to investigate the murders with a sidekick: his horse!

Review: A Friday the 13th spoof in the Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker style of comedy.

All over the place in terms of the kind of humor used – from bestiality to Canadian’s jokes – it has some fun moments but starts to get tiresome after a while.

More obnoxious and crazy than funny.

Just like the SCARY MOVIES followed the likes of SCREAM and I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER, Pandemonium parodies also followed in the wake of the early 80s slasher boom.

A cheerleading school is to reopen years after a shish-kebab massacre, but someone doesn’t want it open. The murders start afresh, investigated by the Candian mounties (even though the film is set in Indiana – a clever poke at the US set but Canadian made slashers). Alfred Sole (the director of the excellent proto-slasher Communion) directed this hit and miss spoof that is bolstered by good performances, especially by Carol Kane as the final girl.



Pandemonium – 1982