12 Votes

Macabro__Macabre_1980 Macabro

Year: 1980

Duration: 01:26:31

Directed by: Lamberto Bava

Actors: Bernice Stegers, Stanko Molnar and Veronica Zinny

Language: English

Country: Italy

Also known as: Macabre, Baiser macabre, Frozen Terror, Macabro – Die Küsse der Jane Baxter

Description: Hmm, how to describe this one? A tender love story between a mentally unstable woman and a severed head? A gut-wrenching portrayal of a single mom and a weird daughter making their way in the world? Hell, nevermind. This is Lamberto Bava’s (Rabid Dogs and The Torturer) first film, a fine late-period giallo with tons of creepy atmosphere, godawful English dubbing, some nasty gore, and implied masturbation with a mustachioed severed head.

Review: The worst thing in this film is that everything that happened in it was in fact, as the remark at the beginning of the film. Personally, I did not fit in my head that this could be where – with whom – that happen. As the story begins to experience the real horror of what you see on the screen. While Robert Duvall tries to solve the mystery of Jane Baker, his lodger, not yet knowing what a Pandora’s box, he tries to open the viewer, too, along with it can break his head over the fact that Jane is hiding in the freezer locked.


