16 Votes

Blood-relatives Blood Relatives

Year: 1978

Duration: 01:30:41

Directed by:  Claude Chabrol

Actors: Donald Sutherland, Aude Landry, Lisa Langlois

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Relaciones íntimas, Laços de Sangue, ¿Quién mató a mi prima?, Blodets bånd, Laberinto mortal, Kauhun kuja, Les Liens de sang, O enohos einai anamesa mas, Vérrokonok, Rosso nel buio, Blodige hender, Blood Relatives, Wiezy krwi, Irmãos de Sangue, Blodsband, Blutsverwandte, Blood Relatives

Description:French video-service ” Akai ” is categorical in his assessment : “Another Chabrol more.” But the film ” Blood Relatives ” put on the novel by American Ed McBain , still has to attract viewers who like a detective mystery , brutal , sometimes horrifying , but in this case – and even bloody thriller atmosphere . Sensational stories of incest – a love affair between a cousin and cousin. This mystery can be revealed , not depriving fans of clever scheming opportunity independently to guess the true criminals who sadistically killed a seventeen year old girl Muriel . Inspector Carella (the hero , who , by the way , acted in another film adaptation of Ian McEwan ‘s novel – ” no apparent reason “, carried out by Philippe Labro ) begins an investigation , suggesting that the murder may have committed a sex maniac.

However, interest in this tape is lost in the second half of the narrative , as if illustrated diary entries killed . But the finale is almost unpredictable : the most sophisticated audience , probably calculate identity of the killer , but the motivation of the crime would be complete surprise to him . We can say that Claude Chabrol , a researcher family crime dramas and stories ” blood ties ” , he shot his film almost for the last phrase in it.



Les liens de sang 1978