Alive or Dead movie
Alive or Dead movie Run time:
Alive or Dead movie Rating: 3.1
Alive or Dead movie Genres: Horror
Alive or Dead movie Director: Stephen Goetsch
Alive or Dead movie Writers: Stephen Goetsch, Legacy Mill, The

Alive or Dead movie Stars: Ann Henson, Angelica May, Gretchen Busenitz

Alive or Dead movie Year: 2008
Alive or Dead movie Source: Alive or Dead movie
On a desolate road, an abandoned school bus with the words ‘HELP ME’ written on a window, Maria stops to check it out. A killer has left his bloody crime scene in the back. The killer comes back and takes Maria for a ride to a desert location. But is the killer really her enemy or is it someone, or something else? Written by dchispirtle
Country: USA
Language: English
Also know as: Жив или мъртъв, Kill Massacre, Inhospitable,


Alive or Dead 

