2 Votes

 The Gerber Syndrome: il contagioThe-Gerber-Syndrome The Gerber Syndrome: il contagio

Year: 2011

Duration: 01:25:52

Directed by: Maxì Dejoie (as Maxi Dejoie)

Actors: Valentina Bartolo, Elisabetta Fischer, Pia Lanciotti

Language: Italian

Country: Italy

Also known as: Not Available

Description: While journalists and documentary film makers conduct research among the people, learning people’s opinion about the new virus, the infected get into the society. Strange symptoms for too long only been discussed, but the disease was the subject of vote: to destroy, isolate or treat an infected? People don’t know how to be with those who are already ill, and the disease sets in, manifesting itself in the aggression and lust to kill.

“The Gerber syndrome” — a film that I wanted to see since the release of the trailer — almost 3 years ago, but managed to do it only now and then no voice acting. The Italian film, shot unknown debuting Director. Fortunately, given the availability of subtitles, the English then had what we needed.

The film is shot in documentary genre, it is not a “mockumentary”, which usually is Amateur shooting in the first person, namely “documentary”, naturally not claiming the reality of the facts supplied. But, to make it easier to tell about it, I’ll take fiction for reality, in order to avoid the description of the constant references to “alleged”, “the plot” and so on.

In this tape focuses on the epidemic of a new highly contagious deadly disease, transmitted by droplets, as mentioned in the beginning. Multiple storylines, perspectives; the viewer presents a realistic interview professionals, victims and ordinary people, and their documentary footage.

In reality humanity is faced with such anxiety, when doctors predicted world pandemic of avian and swine flus, but in this case with the Gerber syndrome, things are clearly more complicated. The disease, the first symptoms are no different from the usual strong flu, and quickly becomes a cause of serious lesions of the nervous system that leads to tragic consequences for him and for others. All people with similar symptoms are checked, even if the signs of the disease influenced the use of substances that respectively affect the psyche.

The reality of the situation is pleasing and almost takes the soul. Enough vital flow of information, the absence of claims to the actor (to describe them separately would not see any sense in the context of the film, nor to compare them with other roles — they are practically absent!) and the actual plot is forced to admit this movie was good, despite what fans of “zombie horror” and “slashers,” he seems very dull and not exactly like.

For those who are interested in “heavy” movies, it is quite suitable. Frames with an infected will impress viewers with sensitive psyche. The end of expected.

Overall the film is very strong, wanted to spend the evening on another, but “the Gerber Syndrome” made my day. Low rating only for the fact that you are a fan of other horror movies. And then there is psychological drama-disaster with the brutal elements.



The Gerber Syndrome: il contagio