17 Votes

Possessed-by-the-Night Possessed by the Night

Year: 1994

Duration: 01:23:30

Directed by:  Fred Olen Ray

Actors:  Shannon Tweed, Ted Prior, Sandahl Bergman

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Fluidos do Mal, Geißel der Lust, Daimonismeni nyhta, Az éjszaka megszállottja, Notte di tenebre, Possuída


In addition , as a ” teen dream ” this movie can not be named . Only with the caveat that you had to be a teenager in the mid-90s . The fact that this movie is now little known , and it was exactly the earlier . But in my tineydzherskie times , those who encountered him , firmly stated that it is ” cool ” and it was a way of compelling reasons I try to tell , of course, after not beating and objective view .

As director Fred Olen Ray , there are many sex scenes and nudity . Such eroticism were produced always enough to surprise her is impossible, but ” Obsessed Night” – a real feast! And all because of an actress in a leading role . She played Sendai Bergman (Sandahl Bergman). The name is usually says nothing , but it is worth mentioning just two of its role in the cult opus earlier as everything falls into place : this warrior Valeria of ” Conan the Barbarian ” 1982 Giedre and queen of ” Red Sonja ” 1985 year. That is , the viewer – teenager had a huge indescribable happiness finally see all the ” glory ” of the actress ‘s favorite fairy tales ! Yes, more than once …

For the above-mentioned aspect can not but pay tribute to the director. He’s in the old days this film gave incarnation tale reality , especially if you have been lucky in the presence of a videotape labeled «Unrated» – where no censorship , but it is not soft porn, and easy sex.

Now move on to the more restrained review of the film, without nostalgia . The plot of the film is built in an unusual way , the logic of the scenic track is very difficult or impossible. There are mixed horror , mystery , psychological thriller , erotic, and even crime thriller . None except that comedy bud but an absurdity in behavior heroes , why , sometimes slips viewers smile . All of metaphysical horror genre in general utaeno beginning until the very end , but there is a manifestation of the aura is often unfavorable . Personification of the source of evil is completely inexplicable ( the viewer will never get an accurate answer , though reconsider movie a hundred times in a row) with a bunch of organic wiggling one eye , preserved in alcohol in a glass jar . This monster if under hypnosis buy one writer who has lost inspiration , bring it home , and there is not expected to begin tricks being at the bank, like its sprouting and carnivorous hunting, but only covert actions focused on the psyche of the people around them . No fights with freak and bustle of it here is not to find a place to be a thin trail of unjustified evil, causes a person to show wanton aggression and time director Olen Ray – part of sexual attraction. This soaked half the story. Consequently, there is a second path of the story.

Along the way, the movie tells the story quite far from the family of the writer and mystic character . Them is a local thug who knocks money from various small businessmen for his boss . Scenes associated with it, just a piece of the criminal responsible for the militants . Anyone watching their audience finds their exact phenomenon years unpretentious sort of very cheap fist fights without any staging and techniques elaborate choreography, which is often filled with a lot of movies created directly on video tape with an unknown cast.



Possessed by the Night 1994