Not-Like-Us Not Like Us

Year: 1995

Duration: 01:27:19

Directed by: Dave Payne

Actors: Joanna Pacula, Peter Onorati, Rainer Grant

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Dämonische Nachbarn, Földönkívüliek

Description: Corman produced cheese from the mid 90’s, featuring that bad horror staple, the easily detachable spine.

The action takes place in the American heartland, in a tiny town tranquility. Housewife Anita Clark meets with new neighbors — brother and sister by the name of Jones. These two recently arrived in Traquility in the city and immediately started to happen strange things. One after another lost residents, and the surrounding area and then find the mutilated corpses. The experts can not say anything, while the number of deaths and abductions is growing every day.

Local tend to blame a couple of guest — those who are “not like us”. And in this case they are right. These two are actually aliens that came to earth to conduct a series of experiments in plastic surgery.



 Not Like Us