14 Votes

Dark-Star Dark Star

Year: 1974

Duration: 01:10:08

Directed by: John Carpenter

Actors: Brian Narelle, Cal Kuniholm, Dre Pahich, Dan O’Bannon

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Aluniza como puedas: Dark Star, Ciemna gwiazda, Finsterer Stern

Description: The first feature film of the famous John carpenter (They Live), being also, and his degree work. History of tragycomedic misadventures of four pilots spacecraft called «Dark star», whose mission was to exterminate unstable planets in star systems, subject to colonization.

Review: I looked dark star recently – a couple of years ago when I started to look for a loved Carpenter’s early films . And I was very pleasantly surprised that the thesis director has been so good!

The star – it’s an amazing movie : here you space and science fiction, and comedy and psychological drama … The film’s budget is so laughable that the so -called ” special effects ” it is impossible to watch without tears of emotion … Of course, this marvelous story absolutely does not need them , but all the same I can not remember a cardboard space ship floating on a background of cardboard the same space … And toothy alien ” tomato ” on the hilarious duck legs , svarganenny of the inflatable ball ? .. And a single song of praise , of course, worthy of the crew of ” Dark Star ” – surprisingly charming company astronauts nihilists everyone – its bright character …

Stars finale is very sad and beautiful …



Dark Star 1974