Alienator Alienator

Year: 1990

Duration: 1:32:39

Directed by:  Fred Olen Ray

Actors:  Jan-Michael Vincent, John Phillip Law, Ross Hagen

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: A Exterminadora Indestrutível, Börtönbolygó, Der Vollstrecker aus dem All

Description: Starring a bunch of rejects you know from other crappy movies, Alienator has Ross Hagen as a prisoner marked for death escaping from a spaceship commanded by Jan-Michael Vincent. He lands in the town of Podunk, Planet Earth and him and his new earth pal, John Phillip Law of the Podunk Police, have some trouble with this steroid-induced tranny robot with a fantastic 80s glam metal do and a fancy laser arm that the space people send to retrieve their quarry.

Just like most of Fred’s early movies, this is a cheesy and totally entertaining mess with a great cast. About that cast though, Jan-Michael Vincent slurs out his lines like he’s pissing down his legs drunk and doesn’t give a fuck, Ross Hagan looks (and sounds) like a 70 year old emphysema patient, and P.J Soles was aging very nicely (great costume on her by the way). Speaking of costumes, I always get a laugh out of Teagen Cline’s Alienator getup, down to what looks like flowerpots attached to her tits. I’ve always wondered what this one would have been like if Fred had had John Phillip Law, who can overact with the best of them (ala Space Mutiny), play the villian role and Ross Hagan play the Wooden hero part. Oh well, this one is great no matter.



Alienator 1990