Trackdown_1976 Trackdown

Year: 1976

Duration: 01:34:07

Directed by: Richard T. Heffron

Actors: James Mitchum, Karen Lamm, Anne Archer, Erik Estrada

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Keine Gnade, Mr. Dee!, La grande traque, La oculta mano del crimen

Description: Violent action classic rape drama….Karen Lamm runs away from her Montana home to go to the city and gets viciously raped by mexican gang and sold to a high class Beverly Hills pimp Johnny Dee (well played by Vince Cannon). Jim Mitchum plays her brother who goes to Los Angeles looking for her with a help from Cathy Lee Crosby and Erik Estarda

Review: This movie fucking rocks,it kitchen sinks everything about the ’70’s that was so good about this type of film,ultra-violence,rape and prostitution with forced druggings,Erik Estrada,some of the best stereotype casting i have ever seen in a film,Cathy Lee Crosby and so much more.As for the source,this is from the’ R’ rated Aussie VHS which one imdb user alludes to as the ‘uncut’ version,but I’m not sure as the running time on mine is a few minutes shorter at 94,( there’s a couple of minutes of of black space on my copy).But my copy doesn’t appear to be cut,but i haven’t seen any alternative versions so i can’t really say for sure,but included,what i thought anyway,was a particulary violent scene where a woman is bashed to death,and perhaps that is the missing 35 seconds that this person refers to. Directed by Richard T. Heffron, who also filmed Convicted: A Mother’s Story



Trackdown 1976