Légitime violence movie

Year: 1982

Duration: 01:31:28

Directed by: Serge Leroy

Actors: Claude Brasseur, Véronique Genest, Thierry Lhermitte

Language: French

Country: France

Also known as: Die Handlanger, Legittima difesa


In the course of a violent hold-up at Deauville station, several innocent bystanders are shot dead.  The sufferers consist of Robert, politician Andréani, and three members of the exact same household.  Ruined by the death of his Martin, daughter, wife and mother Modot eliminates that their killers will be delivered to fairness.  When the authorities fail to make any progress in their investigation, he decides to take matters into his own hands, with the support of a neo-fascist vigilante organisation.  What Modot doesn’t realise is that the slaughter of his family was collateral damage in a properly prepared governmental murder.  His bid for revenge will provide only those who were behind the murders and who now seek to cover their tracks…

Review: Légitime violence was filmed by director of Contrainte par Corps and Les passagers movies



Légitime violence  1982
