5 Votes

Jovenes_Perversos Jovenes Perversos

Year: 1991

Duration: 01:35:24

Directed by: Roberto Schlosser

Actors: Martha Elena Cervantes, Joaquín Cordero, Edgardo Gazcón, Charlie Massó

Language: Spanish

Country: Mexico

Also known as: 

Description: Jovenes Perveros (Martha Elena Cervantes – Yo fui violada and Intrepidos Punks) is about a young girl who gets brutally raped and humiliated by some snooty rich college kids. After the rape and humiliation, she decides to get revenge on all fuckers that messed with her (including the two rapists of course). This movie is not just a Rape/Revenge. It’s also a “Youth Gone Wild” type of movie since we see the snooty rich college kids acting crazy, doing drugs, drinking, fighting, etc.



Jovenes Perversos