21 Votes

I_Stand_Alone I Stand Alone

Year: 1998

Duration: 01:26:00

Directed by: Gaspar Noé

Actors: Philippe Nahon, Blandine Lenoir and Frankie Pain

Language: French with English Subs

Country: France 

Also known as: Seul contre tous 

Description: The protagonist is a butcher. And his name is Butch (Philippe Nahon who played in Switchblade Romance). His wife left him and he was with his daughter, who he loves very much. He started to touch her since she was four. The girl was unusual and in 4 years she had monthlies, when she was under the care of another butcher. Butcher, thinking that his daughter was raped, cut his friends face with a razor. for what has neeb sentenced into jail …

Review: “I Stand Alone” – a film in which the leitmotive of all visible works of Gaspar Noé (the director of a famous rape/revenge film Irreversible). There are socially disadvantaged character – Butcher. In the first 5 minutes of the film, we learn the circumstances of his life, extreme displeasure of life itself, and finally, we hear a phrase – “I’m starting over from scratch.” Welcome to the Butcher’s head.

Tells the story of an embittered loser who takes revenge on the world. “I’m in shit, but shit’s got a gun.” And then there are three bullets. And the atmosphere of general aggression. “The lower you fall, the more they feel”, and for this is to put a bullet in his forehead.

“A man must be a member – standing and solid.” The hero of the film trying to prove their worth, but his actions are unsuccessful, creating in him a growing resentment. Heard non-stop flow of words of hatred, cruelty of the world, violence, animal passion. “If you’re lucky, there will be war – World War III. and all those close to me – will explode. ”



I Stand Alone