Ground-Zero Ground Zero

Year: 1973

Duration: 01:20:00

Directed by: James T. Flocker

Actors: Ron Casteel, Melvin Belli, Augie Tribach

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: The Golden Gate Is Ground Zero, Atomic City, Violenza armata a San Francisco, Spræng broen kl. 6!


Quite simply one of the greatest/dumbest flicks ever made. I know you’re thinking it – why bother fandubbing this piece of shit? Well here on wipfilms even the worst flicks get the chance to look gooooood!

Beardy terrorist George (“call me Giorgio”) has a plan to force the local pigs to set his two criminal buddies free. He’s gone and nicked an atomic bomb from the military and hired a Nazi scientist to sort out the techy stuff, got the boffin dirt cheap too as he browbeats the poor old fart down to a tenth of his initial price. George is gonna stick his bomb in a tower on the Golden Gate Bridge and if they don’t let his pals out of jail it’s good-bye San Fran! First thing’s first though he has to convince the local DA that he actually has a bomb so he kidnaps him, drugs him, drags him to the top of the tower housing the device and shows it to him, then drugs him again, drags him down the tower and chucks him in the river. Guess what. The DA doesn’t buy it. Well it’s not like he knows the first thing about atomic bombs, he quite rightly thinks it’s a ridiculous bluff and refuses to play ball.

Enter “Presidential Agent Special Detail Security Chief Gideon Blake from Washington” – this is one bad mofo, dude dresses all in white with a polo neck sweater and rocks a fucking silver topped cane! DA says he won’t release the prisoners? Gideon Blake smacks him upside the head with his cane, leaps over the pencil pushers desk and growls in his damn face. But yeah the DA still isn’t buying it and he won’t even tell Blake where he saw the bomb (what a dick!) but then a few minutes later he changes his mind and runs out the office to catch up with Blake in the street only to get killed by a sniper!  How will Blake find the bomb now? And more importantly can he reach it in time to defuse it and even more importantly does he know how to defuse a bomb? Fuck it we’ll worry about that later.




Ground Zero