6 Votes

 Death Occured Last NightLa-morte-risale-a-ieri-sera Death Occured Last Night

Year: 1970

Duration: 1:33:33

Directed by:  Duccio Tessari  

Actors:  Frank Wolff, Raf Vallone, Gabriele Tinti

Language: Italian (with English subtitles)

Country: Italy | West Germany

Also known as: La morte risale a ieri sera (original title), Death Occurred Last Night, Asesinada ayer, Aconteceu a noite passada, La mort remonte à hier soir, Das Grauen kam aus dem Nebel, Os Assassinos Só Matam aos Sábados

Description: Part giallo and part drama, this movie’s been overlooked by both the “mainstream” critics and the Italian-horror fans alike, and that’s a shame, because it’s one of Italy’s more serious genre efforts of the 70’s. The distraught father’s race to find his kidnapped daughter before the police do, is both tense and poignant. It’s free of the exploitative elements most genre films have, and along with Tessari’s other thriller (Bloodstained Butterfly), one of the most mature Italian thillers of the decade. The ending is painful without being gratuitous, and well above something Hollywood could handle: compare the father’s obsession to find the girl in this to Cage’s in 8MM and be amazed at how crassly the latter is constructed. See this one! 

“At a lonely and disappointed in life Berzaghi from Milan for a month as gone mentally retarded 25-year-old daughter. The police almost signed with his own impotence, and ceased her quest. Berbagi meets with the police inspector Lamberti and begs him to find his “little girl”. Partly from pity, partly out of interest Lamberti, together with a partner taking the job. They believe that the daughter of Berthage stole and gave to a prostitute…”



Death Took Place Last Night 1970

English subtitles (use winRAR or winZIP)