11 Votes

A_Butterfly_in_the_Night_1977 A Butterfly in the Night

Year: 1977

Duration: 01:18:15

Directed by: Armando Bo

Actors: Isabel Sarli, Armando Bo, Victor Bo, Vicente Rubino

Language: Spanish

Country: Argentina

Also known as: Una mariposa en la noche, Come una Cagna in Calore, Like a Bitch in Heat

Description: It seems that the director Armando Bo (Fangs Of The Living Dead and Carne) as joke put a fully whore dressed Isabel Sarli (telling her that it was for training propposes) in the streets of Paris by night, of course Sarli became higlly confused with the offers made by several wanna be clients (she didin’t understand French), this while Bo and his team were secretly filming and laughing their balls out.

The story is quite simple and effective, a street whore in Paris is taken home to her native Argentina by an in love rich landlord, of course family life is not the most suited for our girl, even worst when the rich guy has an acicdent that leaves him crippled, and soon all men in the Pampas wan’t to rape her (go figure why), but there’s a hero that really likes our gal and he will fight for her, will she stay in the Pampas or return to Paris?

Review: To find out what the kinodeyatelnost Isabelle and Armando enough to watch any film – and he would be the representative sample. “Butterfly in the night” is no better or worse than the others, except with explicit scenes which stepped line is the 40th anniversary of the actress is less than, for example, «Furia Infernal» or «Intimidades de una cualquiera». And the rest – everything is almost a carbon copy. As in many of his films, and many Sarli plays a courtesan (call it so), which has been developing (or lucky) to meet a wealthy rancher. He takes away the heroine (in the “butterfly” her name is Yvonne) away from civilization, where a woman starts insanely bored with all the ensuing consequences. In «Furia Infernal» abduction is a force in this film – voluntarily, but neither one nor the other does not prevent the consequences flow from this experience with a uniform and inevitable force. It goes on far ranch is a hero-lover. The “butterfly”, he appears as an almost anecdotal lumberjack with a huge ax (that this ax symbolizes the audience is allowed to assume a measure of their depravity), which will long be admired lush charms Sarli, hiding behind bushes and trees, but one time …



A Butterfly in the Night