16 Votes

Silent_Running_(1972) Silent Running

Year: 1972

Duration: 01:25:50

Directed by: Douglas Trumbull

Actors: Bruce Dern, Cliff Potts, Ron Rifkin and Cheryl Sparks

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Et la terre survivra, 2002: la seconda odissea, Corrida Silenciosa, Den tysta flykten

Description: It takes place on the space station, where brave scientists for the last effort are trying to preserve the earth’s last samples of flora. But it is practically impossible …

Review: The film Silent Running is very well reflects the era in which it was created. Namely, the era of hippies, yuppies, love in all its forms, including wildlife.

Actually it is a mono-film. Most of the time we follow the actions of one person who is trying to save from destruction at least a small piece of nature.

This is a riot, but a silent rebellion, revolt meaningless and doomed to failure. Sometimes it seems that the main character does not understand why he does it, why should this nature, by these victims.

Mankind degenerated, synthetic is not only the food that astronauts consume, synthetic is life itself. Hardly anyone would support Freeman in this “marvelous marvelous world.”

Final film is predictable and, as may seem strange, banal. Of course, do not forget the year in theaters and significant for the time budget. But the film is not for everybody.



Silent Running 1972