Silver_-_shirubaa_1999 Silver

Year: 1999

Duration: 01:18:31

Directed by: Takashi Miike

Actors: Atsuko Sakuraba, Kenji Haga and Shinobu Kandori

Language: Japanese (English subs)

Country: Japan

Also known as: Silver – shirubaa

Description: One of Miike’s earlier movies, inspired by a magna heroine. checklist: Takashi Miike (Visitor Q and Ichi the Killer) brilliant direction on a shoestring budget, Professional Japanese Lady Wrestlers, A GORGEOUS Karate trained lead: Atsuko Sakuraba, playing Jun Shirogane / Silver  a Japanese secret service agent returning home after working for the FBI in America (apparently enough of a stigma to alienate her from almost everybody) kinky perverted female antagonist…if your a Miike fan this early effort will surely be of interest! And if the your a fan of an awesomely built, photogenic Japanese hottie …well

= Silver is not only a noble precious metal , impressive with its cold brilliance. It is also the nickname of a young Japanese woman and sexual Yong Shirogane embarked on the path of revenge , which sometimes becomes very unusual forms . Yun “Silver” yakuza decided to take revenge by using as their main weapon is not so much violence as sex and your body .

The film “Silver” filmed in 1999 cult classic and most prolific Japanese director Takashi Miike on the eponymous manga Hisao Maki . Extraordinary amateur shock the audience in the 90s , Takashi Miike and his film work in this , let loose at once on video, did not deny himself the pleasure of weaving tape explicit sexual sadism and violence must not go , however, certain moral face , because ” Silver ” perceived as a very stylish , mesmerizing his cool eroticism story of revenge and retribution in the spirit of classic Japanese grayndhausnyh paintings, type ” Bloody Lady of Snow . ” Revenge in “silver” appears Miike ritual in which blood and orgasm are woven together, where pleasure becomes pain , refined and well-deserved , in the hands of these ladies as Yong , revenge , which is a type of art .

Cinematography Yasuhiko Mitsui impresses with its style and incredible refinement, gives this film estetizirovannosti shade .

Atsuko Sakuraba filigree starred Yong, creating a stunning image , which is equally intertwined sexuality and cruelty.

All fans of Japanese cinema , Takashi Miike and art lovers «revenge movie» erotic thrillers and I recommend this film .

