22 Votes

Love_Exposure Love Exposure

Year: 2008

Duration: 03:56:36

Directed by: Shion Sono

Actors: Takahiro Nishijima, Hikari Mitsushima, Sakura Andô and Yutaka Shimizu

Language: Japanese (English subs)

Country: Japan

Also known as: Ai no mukidashi, Agapis ekrixi, Exposición de amor, Pod vlivem lásky

Description: Surreal and stylistically eclectic stream of consciousness – the viewer rolls over the movie “The Revelation of Love” Japanese director Sion Sono , who became in 2009 one of the favorites of the Berlin Film Festival. Directed by Sion Sono in his creative way imbibed tradition as naturalistic school of Japanese cinema , continuing the theme Koji Wakamatsu , Nagisa Oshima and Teruo Ishii and giving his films a tribute to Japanese tradition of openness and cruelty, and absorbed elements of humanism Bergman hard symbolism von Trier ( adopting in fact, and the style of the division into chapters ) and avant Jodorowsky . However, the film “Love Exposure” with all its unwieldy epic has the features and clean tarantinovschiny , telling the audience about the man and his way of life , to the creative power of love and the supreme religious capable polamat individual life cinematic language multiple stylistic diversity and to any particular genre movie attributed simply impossible , for ” Revelation of Love” is a thriller and thrash , erotic drama, psychological thriller perverse , and religious- philosophical parable , and in the film there is no violation of artistic integrity. Film fanned religious metaphors , turning the tape Sion Sono , became the first part of his ” Trilogy of Love” in a movie clip and a veritable encyclopedia of Japan and the life in it . In fact Sion Sono film not so much about love as the person getting up on the path of self-awareness and searching for itself in a world where many of the values devalued , and religion turned into a tool for fanatically devoted persons.

Takahiro Nasadzima perfectly cope with the role Yu , managing honed and convincingly show the film gradual metamorphosis of his character , his inner growth. Also very good in the film acting Hikari Mizushima , Sakura Ando Hiroyuki Onoue .

Pristine film aesthetic . Shohei operator Tanikawa made a film in a bright, expressive and full of deliberately grotesque violence and eroticism manner overflowing film dynamics and powerful symbolic close .

Soundtrack by composer Tamahide Harada enveloped in a blanket of melancholy film , constantly playing on contrasts in the picture , giving way or another it is a romantic episodes , the suspense full shade.

All fans of Asian cinema and copyright , especially the Japanese , I recommend this for a truly memorable attraction that you , I’m impressed for a long time .



Love Exposure 2008 part 1

Love Exposure 2008 part 2