9 Votes

Hard-Romanticker Hard Romanticker

Year: 2011

Duration: 01:49:30

Directed by: Su-yeon Gu

Actors: Shôta Matsuda, Kento Nagayama, Tokio Emoto

Language: Japanese(English subs)


Also known as: Hâdo romanchikkâ

Description: Gu – Korean-Japanese bully, who lives in Shimonoseki, Japan. When his friend “accidentally” killed grandmother Korean-Japanese thugs, a wave of violence and revenge. Gu, without fear and without reproach, goes to war with the other members of the gang and the North Korean thugs, who all wish his death.

Review: Heroes of the ” Hard Romanticker ” is the pumped -established images of the characters from “The Raven” Miike or of the many manga series about teenagers gangster types , throughout the story relentlessly bashing each other , a place of action, which are dominated by the empty corridors of the school , the tape Su Yong Gu : pressing Tokyo streets and lively bars to restaurants .

Trendy hairstyles of different color and style , eye-catching costumes, provocatively pretentious phrase , it was wholly in other movies or anime, in well-known way of “school wars”. But if there were heroes and students, both in age ( appearance) , and social status , the “Hard Romanticker ” shows a little different incarnation of this sub-genre . The local gangsters , though harsh , ready at any moment to join the fray , as a sort of ” older students – bandits” and they do all the same thing as the Yakuza in other, more familiar to the average movie goers , but instead of dark , sometimes frightening adults – actors, and have not attained 30 years.

The concept of “school wars” carried over not only for the school grounds , but also beyond the participants’ interest in most of these wars (the possibility of owning the school or the bar as a place for the next ” hang-up “) in contact with a real yakuza wars , is not for the benefit of the film . From what looked inspirational speeches of most characters and their antics in an attempt to intimidate , funny, but interestingly, only the beginning.



Hard Romanticker 2011

Hard Romanticker 2011 English subs