30 Votes

Water_Power_1977 Water Power

Year: 1977

Duration: 01:21:10

Directed by: Shaun Costello

Actors: Jamie Gillis, John Buco, C.J. Laing and Eric Edwards

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Waterpower, The Enema Killer, Enema Bandit, Traitement spécial pour pervers sexuel, Schpritz

Description: Think Taxi Driver with hardcore scenes, only instead of blasting pimps away, the enema bandit is dishing out forced enemas on the female population of NY. You see, he becomes obsessed with this after seeing one administered in a brothel. This even lifts music from Scorsese’s masterpiece, with voice over scenes almost identical too.I obtained a crystal clear copy of this, which I was very happy with, until upon further scrutiny discovered it was slightly trimmed, so I’ve opted for the lesser quality, but fully uncut version. This is a grindhouse classic that needs to be seen by all, starring the legendary Jamie Gillis (Slave of Pleasure and Dracula Exotica). A true masterpiece of sleaze cinema. Enjoy.



Water Power 1977