22 Votes

The-Dark-Side-of-Porn-Cover2 The Dark Side of Porn

Year: 2005-2006

Duration: 9 Episodes (48 minutes each)

Directed by: 9 Different Directors

Language: English

Country: UK

Description: This is two seasons of a British Channel 4 Series called, ‘The Dark Side of Porn.’  It covers many different aspects of the Porn Industry, mostly the dark and infamous, with cautionary stories about the woman who invented animal porn (Episode 9), what happened during the infamous ‘Debbie Does Dallas’ shoot (Episode 3), does snuff exist (Episode 8), and so much more! Does NOT contain any XXX porn – sorry! And frankly at least half of these ‘documentaries’ are poorly written/executed and contain obvious anti-porn subtext.

Screenshots (Click to Enlarge)


 Episode 1   Episode 2   Episode 3

Episode 4  Episode 5   Episode 6

Episode 7   Episode 8   Episode 9