15 Votes

Beyond-and-Back Beyond and Back

Year: 1978

Duration: 01:29:41

Directed by: James L. Conway

Actors: Brad Crandall, Vern Adix, Linda Bishop

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Vida después de la vida

Description:This Sunn Classics documentary and docudrama examines the nature of the soul and the concern of life after death. Sunn is the organization which brought In Search of Noah’s Ark to the display screen. The near-death experiences of resuscitated patients are dramatically re-enacted, as well as in the narration by Brad Crandall, it’s revealed that the soul weighs a sizeable fraction of an ounce. Beyond And Back is a 1978 documentary released by Sunn Timeless photos that deals with the topic of near death experiences. This was one of the very first movies to explore this topic and pose the question “Is there life after death”.



Beyond and Back (1978)