Maedchen_in_Uniform_(1958) Maedchen in Uniform (1958)

Year: 1958

Duration: 01:30:27

Directed by: Géza von Radványi

Actors: Lilli Palmer, Romy Schneider, Therese Giehse, Margaret Jahnen

Language: German (English subs)

Country: Germany

Also known as: Girls in Uniform, Mädchen in Uniform, Corrupción en el internado, Jeunes filles en uniforme

Description: After her parents died young Manuela von Meynhardis sent to poor, hard school. Desperate for love and warmth Manuel tied to a single humane teacher, Frolyayn von Bernburg. Manuel falls in love. Of forbidden love necessarily all know, it is only a matter of time, and the disaster is imminent. Elizabeth Bernburg not deny love, she is forced to leave school. Manuela gets a severe punishment, like someone who has committed a crime …

Review of Maedchen in Uniform: When I watched the film Madchen in the Uniform, I had the feeling as if I lived there myself – completely immersed in the atmosphere of the film. The plot is quite simple – the teacher and student, the relationship between them, the signs of attention from both, feelings are seen almost immediately. Like a spark jumps. All of this can be seen very light thanks to an impeccable performance of the actors. The film is very touching and enjoyable. It does not even want any sex scenes – all very romantic, poetic and secretly. Here is this veil of secrecy and exclusion gives the film a certain charm. It’s also great that time passed – as if the film is not in 1958, but much earlier. Who watched, he will understand what I’m saying.

Also specifically note the actress Lillie Palmer. Very nice aesthetic sense brought it with me. Very refined, aristocratic, graceful and beautiful actress. A very rare combination of such beauty and wonderful acting of data. In general, I have not seen the movie no shortage, so

Review #2: When under a veil of youthful eyes begin to burn, burning soul, my heart jumps out of my chest, but my head is a mess enthusiastic – most likely your mind is clouded sudden passion. Of course, you want to call it love unconditionally. In this crazy whirlwind tend to make mistakes for which will soon have to pay the price. But the tiny nuance. If initially there is no head on his shoulders, and have the correct work on the bugs is not possible – a clinical case of untreatable.

By the will of fate and its “dry” heartless aunt, the young Manuel (Romy Schneider) enters the convent women’s college. Despite the strict rules of discipline and iron, in general, the situation there is not so depressing. Yes, of course, a student have to wear uniforms, march during a midday stroll and a choir sing a song, but there is a lot of interesting subjects studied, and there is even a theater workshop. After all, to make your life easier, it is not difficult to cheat a little and squirm. For example, take and attach your favorite photos on a personal box under the picture “eyewash”. Do not ruffle the teachers, do not experiment with stinker and go to bed on time. But if you’re romantically set up, you maiden quivering soul – you will have a much harder.

Maedchen in Uniform was filmed by Geza von Radwan carefully dips us into intimate atmosphere novels of Fielding and Bronte. We walk along the soft trails of the old park with pupils of the college, see their relationships and other prevailing situation around. Anything can happen here. The failed friendship can turn into a burning jealousy. Bare wires senses and the accumulated resentment unavoidable step closer to the abyss. This is the case with Manuela, whose imagination drew something that is not really. In addition, heated by alcohol, a recitation of Shakespeare: “Over the wounds laughs only one who does not yet have never been hurt” – it makes its unforgivable blunder. That comes on stage the very small revenge for pulling a huge lump of nasty female obidok. Now under the genre of Romeo Must Die. Again, if in the head instead of Manuela’s filings were more clever ideas, and the blood is less strong wine, it could avoid a lot of sharp corners. In this case, the wisdom of Elisabeth von Bernburg (Lilli Palmer – House That Screamed and Conspiracy of Hearts) balances and even cleans originally artificially created world of passions. Thunder stirs already in the distance and fades under the gaze of Superior. Inevitably comes to mind comparisons with the film directed by Katherine Brooks “To love Annabel”, but in contrast to the heavy penalties and punishment of ice, here is a completely different sediment, as after a fierce, sparkling, devastatingly beautiful thunderstorms.



Maedchen in Uniform (1958)

Maedchen in Uniform (1958) (English subs)