Zombio movie

Year: 1999

Duration: 00:45:24

Directed by:  Petter Baiestorf

Actors: N/A

Language: Portuguese

Country: Brazil

Also known as: 

Description: Brazilian trash director Petter Baiestorf (who also filmed Vadias do Sexo Sangrento and Arrombada) presents a ultra cheap and gorefest Zombie movie – really really gore, really really trash, really really obscure. The plot is about a couple who goes to a island to date (and make a little sex) but as soon they arrives, a horde of zombies came ou from the fores and the water to lunch them. Soon they discover there more people in the island: A demoniac priestress, a travestitie serial killer and his/her next victim, a big breasted blonde. And a lot zombies of course.



