Ore di terrore movie

Year: 1971

Duration: 01:19:18

Directed by: Guido Leoni

Actors: Herbert Fux,Ann Smyrner,Karin Schubert

Language: Italian

Country: Italy | West Germany

Also known as: Die Todesyacht,Kreuzfahrt des Grauens


Some politicians, businessmen and (as I must acknowledge, good-looking) ladies come together on a cruise-ship, after a whilst they discover a container floating in the sea. They no-cost three men from the container, a truly bad concept, as the three men are convicted murders (which are mentally insane, as the movie mentions about 20 times). Now horror guidelines the ship. Will the entrepreneurs – and their women – survive?

Whom cares in the end. The film is bad in acting (one of the worst performances of the later Austrian-Green-Party-MP Herbert Fux), camera, score, natural noise, modifying – but truly overloaded with moral problems like (a) “who would be the real gangsters – businessmen or insane murderers”, (b) the role of ladies in the society in general, or (c) “isn’t our culture decadent”.

The answers – according to “ore di terrore”: (a) both, (b) exploited by guys, but if they’re nude enough, they are simply cute, (c) yes, it is.

One major feature of this movie is the absolute absence of humor, which makes it quite difficult to view the whole 90 moments or so. I did it – and it was not worth the effort.




Ore di terrore 1971
