Death Dancers movie

Year: 1993

Duration: 01:28:48

Directed by: Jason Holt

Actors: Deborah Dutch, Mitchell Scott, Jack Margolis

Language: English

Country: Canada , USA

Also known as: 

Description: Looking for something extra shitty and sleazy? Looking for something cinemasochistic to have a hate wank to? Then look no further you sexy beast! Here I give you Troma’s Death Dancers as a full dvdrip!

There is a story line in there somewhere but it’s mainly about people talking on the phone and getting sleazy. What more do you need to know! Just download the fucking thing already!

Shannon, who runs an S&M escort service, is being entrapped by a cop who might have a history with her, but we are really not sure. Then, everyone dances. Or something. HEY LOOK TITTIES!



Death Dancers (1993)
