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caged_beauty_1994 Caged Beauty

Year: 1994

Duration: 01:21:30

Directed by: Mitch Spinelli

Actors: Kelly Royce, Jonathan Morgan, Alex Sanders, Kaitlyn Ashley

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as:

Description: Caged Beauty shot in 1994 was doomed to become one of erotic bestsellers of that time. There was no other possible variant, becayse Kelly Royce, Kaithlyn Ashley and Jonathan Morgan casting in this film always perform their sex tricks so that they could be watched again and again. Starring Kaitlyn Ashley from the film Bad Girls 2: StripSearch
As a good sense of erotic movies, the full diversity of sexual scenes is combined with elegant story, that makes it interesting to watch. Of course, the main side of the movie is incredibly true scenes of love, passion and wild sex, and these scenes take 99% of the movie time. This is the picture where everything – gorgeous actors, smart erotica, director’s talent and wild sexual energy are combined in one enjoyable mixture!






Caged Beauty