10 Votes

Clownhouse_1989 Clownhouse

Year: 1989

Duration: 01:21:09

Directed by: Victor Salva

Actors:  Nathan Forrest Winters, Brian McHugh, Sam Rockwell

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Clown dolofonoi, Dom klownów, Eles Matam, Kauhujen yö, Kuća klovnova, La otra cara del terror, Palhaço Assassino

Description: There was three of them: three young brothers who have come to the circus to see the clowns, three clowns, join the circus, three madmen who escaped from a psychiatric hospital. Mysterious events occurs, which brings the characters to a state of frenzied fear …

Review: I remember watching this film when I was very small, the film seemed very scary and made a deep impression on me. Back then I did not pay attention to the directors, but in vain, after twelve years the person who shot this film will create a “Jeepers Creepers” and that’s it, after watching this movie, I learned what a Victor Salva, and then I found the “House of clowns” and Bichar surprised to learn that this film also starred Victor Salva, and I began to respect the man even more. I think he is the best director in the horror genre, and though not all of his films masterpieces, but “Clownhouses” and “Jeepers Creepers” movies are those without whom I may not love the horror, and do not talk about these movies I just can not .

Personally, I think that the “House of clowns” perfect horror film. Maybe it’s not the worst movie, but no way to stop watching, he sags in any aspect. Acting, atmosphere, plot, fear – all in a movie at the highest level.

In this film, six central characters: the three brothers left home alone for the night, and the three escaped mental hospital patient who decided to stay clowns. And you know, after all slasher who shoot in today’s time with the characters who get killed in a minute they become available, the design of the characters in the movie “Clownhouse” seems perfect. I liked playing the youngest brother Casey played by Nathan Forrest Winters, just look in his eyes, they do not fear it, but a real panic, and it’s all there for the entire film. What a game clown, it, too, no complaints, I personally, after watching the film began to be afraid of clowns (here without the “It” has not done), and thus they were able to do the main thing, to instill fear in people.

What else can you tell us about this film, you need to praise the atmosphere of the film. Now so can barely take off, basically trying to scare the sea of ​​blood, “the House of clowns” the most important thing is the atmosphere tense atmosphere when everything seemed set up to scare you, when every sound makes the heart beat faster.

Starring Sam Rockwell, who also filmed in Happy Hell Night

I’m sorry that this movie is almost unknown in Russia. I think everyone who loves horror movies must see this film. Even watching the film recently, I realized that my feelings were not glossed over, because I saw him as a child, still scared, still atmospheric, and clowns – cause fear so far, it’s impossible to understand what they actually.



Clownhouse 1989