Rat Man movie

Year: 1988

Duration: 01:18:07

Directed by: Giuliano Carnimeo

Actors: David Warbeck, Janet Agren, Eva Grimaldi

Language: Italian (English dubbed)

Country: Italy

Also known as: Quella villa in fondo al parco, La rata humana, Ratman, Terror House, El hombre rata, O Rato Humano, Rat Man, The Rat Man, To troktiko

Description: A terrible filck, but one that stars Janet Agren (Eaten Alive!) and Eva Grimaldi (Convent Of Sinners). Sister of a murdered photo-model begins her own investigation into the circumstances of her death. The investigation leads her to a remote part of the island in the Caribbean, where she runs into a bloodthirsty rat monster created by a mad scientist in his secret laboratory.

Review: When researching information about this film I was immediately introduced to the state interest casting. He inspired. David Warbeck and Janet Agren starred many films, some of which are known and some of the “known” even good.

Plus, Eva Grimaldi – for which (or rather for the roles) I follow, and this film was not afraid of the word, the eighth in her that I have learned. All of them are of varying quality, but Eve is always perceptible. And so here she plays a fashion model – so here I looked up to the full: how many angles, as many as two photo shoots observed.

But the director did not inspire confidence – Karnimeo like a true Italian creator tried his hand in many genres, albeit unsuccessfully: the militants, and westerns, and comedy – ending his career as a horror film (and it is his last film to date – though still live.

Although one feels that he is the most severe fan of the genre, and for example, Fulchievskih “Zombie” looked more than once, and enthused, and thought – “I can do that” – and as no surprise – he could.

Here are replacing the main bad guy of the film, those zombies – get over it seems. Just foreigners, lost in the jungle, abandoned villages, muddy scientist, and even bathing in the shower scene.

Now on to the originator of the fun – the same Ratman, which is far from Batman (our hero is poor, stupid, ugly and aggressive). Most of all, he reminds gypsy, especially his bothersome. On the “Monster of the year” does not pull, but funny.

The result was a textbook standard Italian-horror in all respects: the music, the typical ending – no, this movie will definitely fans.



Rat Man 1988
