13 Votes

Deadly_Blessing_1981 Deadly Blessing

Year: 1981

Duration: 01:37:50

Directed by: Wes Craven

Actors: Maren Jensen, Sharon Stone, Susan Buckner and Jeff East

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Benedizione mortale, Dem Tode geweiht, Hämnd från andra sidan, La ferme de la terreur 

Description:  In the film, strange murders occur in an Amish community. Three young girls from the city, staying at a nearby farm, are besieged by the unseen perpetrator as well. The mad ringleader of the Amish “Hittites” (Ernest Borgnine) accuses the “incubus” as being responsible.

If anything, Deadly Blessing is more of a woman’s horror film than most. The relationship between the three city girls is in the forefront a lot of the time, and it is mostly they who are in peril. Craven plays out their femininity with a fair degree of maturity and while the acting may not be of Oscar-winning calibre, the fact that he focuses on the women lends some scenes in the picture a somewhat different and sensitive quality. Lana (Sharon Stone) has some very unfortunate luck with big spiders and it’s worth pointing out that this film could almost be placed in a ‘spider’ horror sub genre. Our eight-legged friends feature quite heavily, so any arachnophobic viewers beware! You will find this quite difficult to watch, especially the particularly unpleasant dream sequence involving a huge spider on the ceiling, and Stone, lying on the bed and frozen with fear, being told her open her mouth wide. Eugh!



Deadly Blessing 1981