25 Votes

Brazil_1985 Brazil

Year: 1985

Duration: 02:22:44

Directed by:  Terry Gilliam

Actors: Jonathan Pryce, Kim Greist and Robert De Niro

Language: English

Country: UK

Also known as: Brasil, 1984 and ½, 1984½, Brazil – O Filme, Brazil – O Outro Lado do Sonho, Brazil – bortom nuet, Brazil – tämän hetken tuolla puolen, Brezilya, Mirai seiki Brazil

Description: Sam Lowry is a tiny cog in a huge machine of a rusty bureaucratic totalitarian state of the future. Sam tries not to get into trouble, but once noticed an error in the document, which has led to the arrest of an innocent man, he decides to fix it. Good intention of humblest clerk suddenly causes an avalanche of strange coincidences and strange events, and soon found out that a tiny typo can shake the mighty colossus off his feet.

Review: “Brazil” was filmed by director Terry Gilliam in 1985, but has lost none of its relevance to the present day.

This film with surprising regularity appears in numerous anthologies, compiled under headings such as “hundred best films.” Such inclusion certainly due, primarily, to the fact that Gilliam could perfectly translate on the screen dystopia roots dating back to the classics of world literature, “1984”, written by Britain’s George Orwell almost forty years before the film’s release. Stripped paint totalitarian world of the writer, as if stuck in the first half of the twentieth century, recognized in “Brazil” without much difficulty. And the film’s working title was “1984 1/2”. However, it is not a carbon copy of the novel. It wanted to mention that writing the script a hand, Tom Stoppard, author of the cult masterpiece “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead,” which in its own way Shakespeare retold classics. That’s the context of “Brazil” other than in “1984”. Authors of the film is not interested in the political construction of the famous dystopia. Instead, the action focuses on the misadventures chronicles the main character in the world of constant surveillance, control and bureaucracy.



Brazil 1985