9 Votes

The_Adjuster_1991 The Adjuster

Year: 1991

Duration: 01:42:07

Directed by:  Atom Egoyan

Actors: Elias Koteas, Arsinée Khanjian and Maury Chaykin

Language: English

Country: Canada

Also known as: A kárbecslő, Den gode mannen, Der Schätzer, El liquidador, El taxador, Il perito, L’assureur, L’expert en sinistres, O Corretor, O asfalistis

Description: Noah workes as an insurance appraiser. He is married, but rather dissolute. Noah meets his female clients who have lost their property due to fire or other disaster, and using his position inclines them to have sex. Noah’s wife Dawn is also not a gift. She is a cinema critic, lives with her son, Simon, and sister Setoy. In his spare time, Dawn secretly makes pornographic films. The user of these films – quite passionate Seth. Noah and Era rent their house to a married couple – Bubba and Mimi. With their participation he takes his new adult film. A couple of tries while filming realize their sexual fantasies, sometimes with the use of violence. The director of “The Adjuster” has also directed a famous incest film Chloe, made in 2009.

Review: Highly recommended!  This is one weird-ass, surreal little film. No, really… it seems pretty normal and conventional for about 5 minutes and then just goes completely batshit. It brings to mind early David Lynch in the weird one-sided conversations, the very dry and particular sense of humor, and the characters who seem to be motivated by… nothing in particular. Personally, I think this is an absolute masterpiece, and it was given some recognition in its time, but has since been pretty much forgotten and not cared about in the years that followed.  Burnt-down buildings, weird sexual fetishes involving bums on subways and football teams, a guy constantly shooting arrows out of a window, Isabella Rossellinni taping porno screenings. All this and more in.. The Adjuster.



The Adjuster