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The_Sleeping_Voice_AKA_La_voz_dormida Sleeping Voice

Year: 2011

Duration: 01:58:21

Directed by:  Benito Zambrano

Actors: María León, Inma Cuesta, Javier Godino, Fanny de Castro

Language: Spain (English subs)

Country: Spain

Also known as: La voz dormida, Sleeping Voice 2001

Description: The story of two sisters in the dark period immediately following the Civil War in Spain. The youngest of them Pepita, rustic girl from the neighborhood of Cordova, sent to Madrid to be with her ​​sister, Hortense, who is in prison and is pregnant.

For participation in the resistance movement and communication with its charismatic leader Felipe Hydrangea was sentenced to death, but the sentence deferred until delivery. Pepita arranged a maid in a rich house, and at the same time linked to the rebels hiding in the mountains. There she falls in love with one of their leaders handsome Paulino. Pepita was desperately trying to delay the execution, while Hortense with her cellmate trying to keep to her newborn baby was given to a shelter.

Review: The ratio of the Spaniards to the Franco regime in something akin to the residents of post-Soviet Union of Stalin. It seems to be lifted from the ruins of Spain, and in the madness of the Second World War gave to draw, despite almost ultimatum to Hitler, and revived national pride. But at the same time unleashed carnage in their country, divided it into two hostile camps, arranged a mass political repression, has established strict ideological censorship – except that the children had not eaten alive. And this is not yet proven. In general, the cost caudillo peaceably depart to the other world, the mass debunking of the “cult of personality” that flare up, then die down in accordance with the prevailing views in society. It would not hurt, by the way, to make films that tried to tell about the Civil War as objectively as possible, to present it as a national tragedy, in which there is neither right nor guilty.

Film Sleeping Voice (AKA La voz dormida) of Benito Zambrano, however, this category does not apply. Filmed with the active assistance of «Warner Brothers», «Sleeping voice” in full compliance with modern Hollywood tradition divides the world into two opposing camps, one of which is white and fluffy, and the other represents the incarnation of evil world. There is nothing to break the heads of the audience eternal questions – and let them look through. Especially because in this case there is something to see: the dramatic story of two sisters caught in the millstone of civil war, removed a rare and emotionally convincing, and Maria Leon, who played the role of the youngest of them, promises to be a real star. As for Inmy Cuesta, it is so in the form of Hydrangeas like a young Penelope Cruz, that it seems as if the director had seen in her place is the last one. Save individuality in such circumstances was for the young actress is extremely difficult, which however did not prevent her very worthy deal with it.

But in order for the story to Hortense and Pepita turned into an epic tragedy of the filmmakers, shot in Spain on the popular novel by Dulce Chacon, took appropriate background. Which was created with the help of generous sprinkling black paint victorious Franco. I do not know how it was in the literary source, but in the film, none of the characters of the opposite camp Republicans do not have a single positive quality. Except for a couple of prison wardens – but they are being apolitical. Convinced as supporters of Franco – it’s either stupid soldafony or religious fanatics, or just a homicidal maniac. Of which, apparently, the younger generation must make the appropriate conclusion. Confront the same people they do not even – the angels in the flesh. Knights without fear and reproach, ready to sacrifice their lives for the highest ideals, carrying the unbearable torture with patience Christian martyrs, secure in the knowledge that no matter what, the victory would be theirs.

The eldest of the sisters is as follows. It supports the faint of heart in the chamber, there were no guidelines and does not betray the ideals. The birth of a son in inhumane conditions gives her so hard that it becomes like a Madonna. That clearly underlined the scene in the prison church, where with the help of found optimal angles and lighting hydrangea with a baby looks come off the iconic paintings. However, with religion, like many contemporary Spanish filmmakers have Zambrano complex relationship. But more on that in a moment. In the meantime, he sculpts the heroine Inmy Cuesta holy and did not hesitate to order. Because of the earth he has Pepita. Sweet, naive child from the province, rushed to the big city to rescue his wayward sister. She truly believes that if you really try, to fall at the feet of the powers that be, then they will understand, forgive, will see … What you can still turn back. She manages to get a maid to the family of a prominent figure of Franco, which runs the resolute and implacable Dona Amparo – a fanatical Catholic and convinced priverzhenitsa caudillo. But neither she, and none of its environment is not something that can not – just do not want to help Pepite, though in words seems to share her grief. But the Communists should burn in the fiery furnace – and preferably to death. Pepita in desperation to find connections with the underground, which is headed by Hortense husband Felipe. But trying to come up with a plan to free the sister suffers a failure … It remains only to hope for a miracle. Which will not – because to power the Absolute Evil, which gained for the 1940 th year of too much power.

And the forces of good need martyrs to their death was atoning sacrifice their blood undermined the foundation of Castle Black, their life was an example for the new knights without fear and without reproach. So the death of Hortense needed. As necessary and symbolic act, when his son died at the hands of the Madonna is naive and pure Pepita. Which has also managed to partake of mental and physical suffering in the darkness. And here comes to the forefront of the extreme anti-clericalism, openly demonstrated by Benito Zambrano. The church is closely linked with the Devil Franco. So it is Satan. Therefore, the most loathsome character types villains in store for the images of priests and nuns. Hence, too, the mockery of the ritual of communion, which is imparted to arrange prison “Sisters of Mercy”, forcing obryazhennoy kiss the feet of Jesus dolls. Hence, a proud refusal Hydrangeas from the cross and prayer before his execution. In this context, it is not seen as a conscious gesture of communism and as a sacred rite of renunciation of the Church – Servants of the world’s evil.

And yet, despite the overt didacticism and black-and-white view of the world, and maybe even because of it, “Sleeping voice” makes a strong impression. Rejecting the intellectual reflection and clear accents between Good and Evil, Zambrano has created a large-scale epic tragedy that goes beyond individual private history. And thanks to the brilliant acting of Maria Leon still and breathed into it the spark of life. Therefore, in the final picture viewer experiences a real catharsis, regardless of their political leanings. So the film achieves this goal, forcing even if not to think – to empathize with the heroes and learn from them. Perhaps, in the Soviet Union, this example would have appreciated what he deserved. But in today’s Russia, with its endless search for truth – is unlikely.



Sleeping Voice

Sleeping Voice (English subs)