9 Votes

Joy_Division_2006 Joy Division

Year: 2006

Duration: 01:40:21

Directed by: Reg Traviss

Actors: Ed Stoppard, Tom Schilling, Bernadette Heerwagen, Bernard Hill

Language: English

Country: UK | Germany | Hungary

Also known as: Der Feind im Inneren, Dvoji nepritel, Resistance, Escuadron letal

Description: In the last days of World War II German teenager Thomas was thrown into battle against the steadily advancing Soviet division. In the ruined cities of the Third Reich everywhere reigns indescribable savagery and looting. In this chaos Thomas loses his first love, Melanie, and meets Astrid, who is determined to survive at any cost. Together they join the exodus of refugees rushing to the west.

However by an unhappy twist, Thomas gets to the Russians, and all traces of him are lost behind the Iron Curtain, which for years has divided Europe. Seventeen years later, now a graduate of the elite Soviet school, he was recruited by KGB and sent to London to be part of a spy network, which is under constant threat of exposure.



Joy Division 2006