If_Tomorrow_Comes If Tomorrow Comes

Year: 1986

Duration: 02:12:12 + 01:58:53 + 01:30:09

Directed by: Jerry London

Actors: Madolyn Smith, Tom Berenger, Liam Neeson, David Keith, Jack Weston, Richard Kiley, Joseph Cortese

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Sidney Sheldon’s If Tomorrow Comes, Sidney Sheldon’s If Tomorrow Comes, Si c’était demain

Description: The heroine of the popular eponymous bestseller by American author Sidney Sheldon’s modest bank employee Tracy Whitney is on the threshold of happiness and success. She was engaged to someone you love, who, in addition, a fabulously wealthy and belongs to the highest circles of society. And now, because of the terrible and ridiculous circumstances, all turns to dust: Tracy is in prison, “exposing” the Mafia and devoted loved. But it is not easy to break: all his iron will, a keen mind and an irresistible feminine charm she sends out to avenge …

Review: “If Tomorrow Comes” – film adaptation of the novel by Sidney Sheldon. The plot is dynamic and constantly evolving. Humble servant of the bank, Tracy Whitney is on the verge of happiness: career goes uphill, soon marry her beloved, beautiful and rich man, but as fate it becomes a victim of intrigue mafia goes to prison. It seemed that life was broken: colleagues turned away, the groom gave to start a new life with a criminal record behind him is oh so difficult, but Tracy broke. That’s it from this point begins the most exciting and breathtaking adventure heroine. Despite the fact that the show filmed, back in 1986 and the plot at first seems a bit naive, even sophisticated viewers something still drawn to the screen. Probably, this film has its own, unique style.

The actors starred just on top. Medolin Smith Osborne is certainly a beautiful and attractive woman, unfortunately, this is the only film with her participation, which I saw, but have to admit here that she played just fine, just living the life of her character, changing and evolving along with it. Tom Berenger, consider this work to one of its greatest strengths in his career, the character of Jeff Stevens, as if specially created for him.

The storyline is written simply perfect: here and spectacular robbery, discouraging fraud and certainly interesting loomed love lines.

My opinion is uniquely rendered recommend to all.



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