3 Votes

Condition_Red_1995 Condition Red

Year: 1995

Duration: 01:24:30

Directed by: Mika Kaurismäki

Actors: James Russo, Cynda Williams, Paul Calderon, Victor Argo

Language: English

Country: Finland | USA | Germany

Also known as: Beyond the Law, Draußen lauert der Tod, Alerte rouge

Description: According to this movie, prison life is a lot like dorm life.  Guards and inmates alike just sort of hang around and wander about.  Nobody really seems to have anything to do.  It doesn’t look half bad.

And the women’s prison is even better.  Most of the women prisoners are doable, natch, with a couple bull dykes thrown in for good measure.

Everyone in the movie seems rather bored, and I can’t say I blame them.  Some of the characters were thought up by a crazy person, and so behave in nonsensical ways.  There are a good number of scenes that take place outside the prison, supposedly to give some depth to Russo’s character, but I’m not really sure what happens in them or why.  Would have made a better movie to drop those scenes and concentrate on more prison sex.

But then, it wouldn’t be here. would it?  On to the screens!



Condition Red 1995