13 Votes

Last_House_on_Hell_Street_2002_ Last House on Hell Street

Year: 2002

Duration: 01:10:35

Directed by: Robin Garrels and John Specht

Actors: Leah Schumacher, Schmack Virgin, Robin Garrels and John Specht

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Beyond the Last House on the Left

Description: Different is Good I really love indie films, and a friend of mine let me check out Insaniac (another John Specht (btw, John Specht also played in the movie I Spit on Your Corpse, I Piss on Your Grave)/Robin Garrels collaboration). Production-wise, it was a little rough around the edges, but the writing and the performances were great, so when I heard that Garrels and Specht collaborated again on this, I had to check it out.

Well, Last House was…different. Not that different is a bad thing. I wasn’t expecting anything like this though. It doesn’t play out like a normal movie. There’s a story, but most of the film is filled with bizarre imagery and quirky soundscapes that all felt kinda poetic in a way. I’m a little surprised this got released on DVD since it’s a very non-traditional movie that will definitely rub mainstream moviegoers the wrong way. Kudos to Sub Rosa for putting this flick on DVD. If you’re looking for a regular, linear storyline, you should probably steer clear of this one, but if you’re looking for something strange and unusual, you might want to give this one a try.



Last House on Hell Street 2002