Demon_Hunter_2005 Demon Hunter

Year: 2005

Duration: 01:18:25

Directed by: Scott Ziehl

Actors: Robert Alonzo, Harlan Baird and William Bassett

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Kynigos daimonon Greece

Description: Jake Greymana rarely called by name. Most people know him as “Demon Hunter”. For years, Greyman works for a secret society that is under the auspices of the Vatican. Their main goal – the extermination of demons, who captivated the world.

But if the arms of the priest are a prayer book and a crucifix, the Demon Hunter prefers own fists and wooden stake. Nearing the decisive battle. Asmady, the angel of death, raising an army of darkness, intending to lead a war against all life. The only obstacle in his way – Demon Hunter. Jake will join the decisive battle with the forces of Hell, the outcome of which depends not only his life, but the fate of all mankind.



Demon Hunter 2005