3 Votes

Scavengers movieScavengers movie

Year: 1987

Duration: 01:35:00

Directed by: Dee McLachlan

Actors: Kip Gilman, Brenda Bakke, Ken Gampu

Language: English

Country: USA | South Africa

Also known as: Action Masters, Scavenger – Der Spion mit der Glut im Blut

Description: A very fun action/adventure/comedy. In this romp, the gorgeous Brenda Bakke and the goofy Kenneth ‘Kip’ Gilman go to Africa (unwittingly carrying a little black book detailing drug dealings) and are chased by inept Russian baddies and the CIA. Entertaining…and Brenda Bakke looks great!

“A Professor from the University of Miami and his former girlfriend are in hilarious war with the CIA, the KGB and the local drug mafia king on the vastness of Africa.”



