tt0780530 Protecting the King
duration Protecting the King Run time: 1h 34min
heart Protecting the King Rating: 4.9
genre Protecting the King Genres: Drama,Music
info Protecting the King Director: D. Edward Stanley

info Protecting the King Writers: D. Edward Stanley, Marty Poole, Impello Films

star Protecting the King Stars: Matt Barr, Greg Collins, Tom Sizemore

list Protecting the King Year: 2007
list Protecting the King Source: imdb_id Protecting the King

The life of Elvis, from the stepmother point of view.  Sex, drugs and violence they’re all part of the job when you’re protecting The King of Rock & Roll. And when you’re only 16, the on-the-job training comes in ways that can’t be taught in school. This stepbrother was there and saw everthing it starts off from 1972 then goes to 1977. it follows dave the stepbrother dave and elvis and his friends on tour some violent scenes the only complant is elvis should been fatter towards the end all rhe actors are great really great dave elvis stepbrother did the director the writtening and the producton watch the bonus mature first then watch the movie the elvis man that plays elvis acts like elvis to the tee.

Country: USA
Also know as: Protegendo o Rei, Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n’ Roll, Elvis testőre, Raised on Rock, Riding with Elvis, Riding with the King, The HeadHunter,
Protecting the King