2 Votes

 My DegenerationMy-Degeneration My Degeneration

Year: 1990

Duration: 1:02:14

Directed by:  Jon Moritsugu

Actors: Amy Davis, Lesley Grant, Andy Luck 

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: My Degeneration: The Movie

Description: Three young women play for the band Bunny Love. My Degeneration: the movie-overall,I loved it but I have one beef which I’ll get out of the way right off the bat. This film features several scenes of a band playing live music(for the sake of the scene but not really live of course). In this film as in many others where the director has no musical talent the films are nearly ruined for me because their isn’t the slightest concern payed towards any technical aspects involved so it ends up looking HOKEY!!! I just wanted to get that off my chest, whew, I feel better already. Now then…This happened to be the third film I’ve seen by Mortisugu and it turns out to be my favorite (the Elvis film was pretty cool but the print I watched was virtually indecipherable through most of it’s brief running time-was there really footage of the real corpse of E on the bathroom floor in that movie?) Getting back to my opinion of “My Degeneration”… The story here concerns the meteoric rise to success of an all girl garage band after they sell out and become commercial spokesmodels for the beef industry. That’s right, the beef industry. Using pixieish punks to push “what’s for dinner tonight”,.. what a potentially hilarious concept! In the end the story develops rather predictably into the “too much, too soon, big stars’ crashing-to-earth” scenario. While overall it’s pretty trippy in many parts (i.e. talking, severed pig and cow heads), the production value is just good enough to retain sufficient interest throughout. If you like eighties hardcore music and/or underground/psychadelic cinema this one’s for you.




My Degeneration 1990 | Free Download