6 Votes

paese_spose_infelici_locandina-210x300 Il paese delle spose infelici
duration Il paese delle spose infelici Run time: 1h 22min
heart Il paese delle spose infelici Rating: 5.9
genre Il paese delle spose infelici Genres: Drama
info Il paese delle spose infelici Director: Pippo Mezzapesa
info Il paese delle spose infelici Writers: Mario Desiati, Antonella Gaeta, Fandango, Rai Cinema, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali (MiBAC)

star Il paese delle spose infelici Stars: Valentina Carnelutti, Antonio Gerardi, Nicolas Orzella

list Il paese delle spose infelici Year: 2011
list Il paese delle spose infelici Source: imdb_id Il paese delle spose infelici
15-year-old Veleno pedals furiously on his bicycle to keep up with his new friends who are different from him: street kids who race each other on their scooters and face off on the soccer field where their team, the Cosmica, plays. Cimasa, Capodiferro, and Natuccio all answer to their leader, Zazà, a genuine soccer talent. The prospects for the small town in the South of Italy – the factory, the pollution, the drugs, and the offensive demagoguery of the local politico and rising star Vito Cicerone – are not bright. But the boys’ lives take an unexpected turn when a strange stray ‘madonna’, the lovely Annalisa literally flies into their midst from the top of a church, dressed as a bride. Smitten, Zazà and Veleno awkwardly approach her and experience pure ecstasy…
Country: Italy
Language: Italian
Also know as: Annalisa, Annalisa, Veleno,

Il paese delle spose infelici