Hi guys! Thanks for leaving your requests at the wish page, cause it really helps me out. I don’t need to spend my time searching for a good fresh content for a next update. And it’s great!
But what I need is that you will leave more comments and complaints under the posts. Yes, I would really like to know your opinion about each published movie. So if you have a free minute please leave a comment below the post of the film, which you just watched. It will be very helpful to me. Thanks!
PS New updates are coming very soon.
DANG, PS…HAPPY 20th day of the 4th mo, at 4:20PM.
@lol: this is one of the best sites on the entire internet, period. you are a complete retard for trying to denigrate it.
1. everything on this site is completely free, even if you dont have a premium account you can download any movie, in its entirety.
2. this site is so comprehensive it has every exploitation movie you could possibly imagine, even the most rare ones and ones that dont even have english subtitles or translations, no where else on the web can you even come close of finding a collection of this size for free, its absolutely astounding that this site even exists. It is that good.
3. any person who is a fan of any genre of exploitation films or extreme cinema or any other number of categories is incredibly blessed to come across this site, i find it hard to believe that this site even exists and has not been taken down for how much material it hosts 100% free.
4. there is no site that even comes close to comparing to this site for how big of a collection they have, how rare the titles are, the fact that is 100% free, very little ads, if you are a true fan of extreme cinema finding this site is like dying and going to internet heaven, i have a truely diverse and rare collection of exploitation films that cant be found anywhere else for free and its all thanks to this site, when i have friends come over to my house i can always show them something they have never even seen or heard of before all thanks to this site.
5. if you have no appreciation for the incredible service that this site provides you obviously know nothing about the internet or movies either. it truely amazes me that someone could be so stupid to try to say something bad about this site which is absolutely among the best in the world. i issue a challenge to any complete fool or retard to try to name ANY site that even comes to even remotely having this comprehensive of a collection of rare and hard to find exploitation titles 100% free because i know that no such thing exists.
@lol you are the dumbest person ive ever seen in a forum and this is the internet so that is saying a lot, you are obviously not a fan of cinema or even this genre of films otherwise you would do like any person with half an ounce or more of brain matter and bask in the divine glory of internet goodness which is this site.
Ditto, and KUDOS Lord Slizzurp.
If that counts as Kissing Ass, then so be it. But I wholeheartedly agree with everything you wrote.
Hi, Are all these Movies on here in their Uncut Versions. Could you let me know please.
no. not all of them of course
excellent site,de tres rare films s y trouvent. merci,thank you
i love your website its great and please upload the film Dead On 1994.
Hey suggest me the movie which has navel and nipple piercing and also nipple blood torture scene consist movies
Heads-up, bud. Seems that the OneSignal site notification does not update with the new posting format (the type that has the movie summary stats). Have only been getting notices when “regular” formatted updates are posted. No biggie, just thought maybe you would want to know.
Keep up the excellent work.
Update: for the past week, OneSignal appears to be functioning correctly again. It went through a near one-month streak after my initial comment of notifying me of postings from days before, until this week when things have been pretty smooth.
Fantastic site! My only complaint is that my tablet won’t play the audio track on many of the movies…I get an unrecognized codec message
try to install vlc media player. It also has a mobile version
Depending on the type of tablet you are using, I am using MX PLAYER on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 (grabbed from Google Play Store) since VLC is pretty shitty on it. No guarantee that it will solve all issues, but it did resolve MOST of my audio formats.
Best movie download site on the internet, bar none!
The choices…oh, the choices…
BTW, what happened to the A-Z listing? Am I just not looking hard enough or did it vanish?
google banned it.
Do you know why? Because that’s just bizarre.
You have destroyed one of the best features of the site, the index, when you begin each title with its IMDB number. What’s point in what you did
the index is here again http://wipfilms.net/wipfilms-website-movies-list/
What happened to The Family (Family of Cannibals 2011)? I had it bookmarked yesterday but the page no longer exists.
It would be great if we could read more about the films on the categories page list instead of having to click the movie. For example, including the screenshots or plot.
do you mean that you want to read about the movie genre?
good morning
Hi, this is a really great website. When do you upload new movies? Thx
Min upload films indonesia year 80an jaka sembung keris penumpas maksiat full movie akibat guna guna istri muda full movie bibir bibir bergincu full movie
If you get a premium account can download as much as you want in day? Thanks, love the site.
need list of swinger movies.. maybe you can make it a separate category..
Just wanted to say a HUGE thanks for this site! As a fan (and someone who grew up with) lots of straight-to-video scifi and horror movies from my local VHS library, I struggle to find many gems that don’t get proper commercial DVD releases, especially outside of the US. It would be absolutely tragic if all these pieces of movie history disappeared with the rotting of their VHS tapes, and nobody in upcoming generations got to see them.
I would happily pay for any of these films, but since the rights holders either can’t or won’t sell them (or if they do, go for very limited regional distribution at best), I am grateful that these films are preserved here.
I really appreciate and applaud this site for making these wonderful and often very *rare* gems available, especially those that have never seen a release outside of rental VHS tapes or TV broadcasts. Please keep up the wonderful work!
Oh, and the reviews are a lot of fun, too!
The Amazing Site In The World …..Like You…..Awesome
was lucky to find one film on here I have been looking for, slight problem though; I can’t find the subtitles for said video & I’ve been to all corners of the internet to find them & found nothing….
Just curious where one can find subtitles for movies on this site?
This is literally my go too site for rare, hard to find movies. Thanks for all the time you put into this.
Hi! I like your site immensely, it’s a rich treasury of genre titles, many of them not to be found elsewhere. It’s also user-friendly, which is quite important. But today, a most strange thing happened. I tried to download two movies from your site, Perfect Fit and Pimp, the size of first file being 1,5 GB, and the second 700 MB. When the download started, it began downloading much smaller files: the size of the first being 248 MB and of the second 148 MB or so. I stopped downloading and repeated the process, but the same thing happened. Why is that?
Sorry my English is not good!!
More Movies with German Language, please!!
Best Site ever!!
Admin, what happened to the all star ratings? Why has the star ratings system suddenly disappeared? Please bring back the star ratings system because it is very useful to all users, not just for people to rate the movie, but also to give some idea of whether the movie is worth watching.
Sorry Admin, please ignore my previous message about the missing star ratings system. Apparently, it is still there, but for some strange reason does not appear in Mozilla Firefox browser ver. 52. The star ratings do appear when I use Google Chrome browser instead to load this website. Funny, I’m not sure why the star ratings system does not appear in Mozilla Firefox browser ver. 52. Hmmm….
Miss seeing your posts, man. Hope all is well with you.
Hi mr. ,first of all i like to say THANK YOU for those amazing movies,second; that movie with jane birkin are right [ Je T‘aime Moi Non…. ] with that start without credits,etc.. ?
And finally,Do you have the movie ‘‘Klip‘‘ [ Maja Milos ] ?? if not,it‘s possible post ? once again thanks!!!
The best page for good old movies ! Thanks ¨wip¨ for be there for us !
Thanks for the blogpost!
The quality of some of the movies isn’t so great. I know a lot of the movies I like are older. I actually like the grainy quality of an old movie, but the file quality could have been better on a bunch of them.
On the plus side.. The collection is fantastic. The range of movies is excellent.
yeh…that’s good
Any chance a category section by country. I’ve been looking to Find Cat III movies but some are not tagged, I’ve manged to find Dr Lamb and few others but I feel liem tou uave alot more crazy Hong-Kong movies somewhere that I’ve never heard off.
Movie title STORY OF THE EYE can’t be download is missing
Slaughtered vomit dolls download link is not working properly
Slaughtered vomit dolls (2006) movie download link is not working properly
I want movie los abandonados 1984